News and notices

Read the latest news and public notices, including our fortnightly Newsline.

Current road works and closures

This list of road works and closures is updated weekly. Weather and unforeseen emergency events may affect roads at short notice.

Boil water notice - Eighty-Eight Valley

We have issued a precautionary Boil Water Notice for residents on the Eighty-Eight water supply.  This precautionary notice is due to the heavy rainfall in the…

Newsline 588

Latest Newsline

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litta 03

Litter and critters nabbed in traps

Rubbish in our marine environment is a growing problem. Not only is it visually unappealing, it’s also a serious threat to wildlife and fish.

Much of this…

Beach Chair 02

New buggy brings better beach access

With help from one of our Community Grants, Motueka-based Whenua Iti Outdoors has been able to create much better accessibility to the great outdoors with the…

Tasman Village Seats (1)

Wooden you like to sit here?

It’s always a pleasure to see something that is needed and appreciated by the community put in place in one of our parks, reserves or walkways.
