My Region

The Tasman District covers 9,786 square kilometres. Within this area there are five wards and 17 townships.

Home » My Region

Learn what the Tasman District Council is doing to manage the region's settlements, heritage, facilities, and environment.

Our Governance Statement also functions as a handy guide to Tasman District so check it out. (pdf 5.5 MB)

This section provides information about the iwi of Te Tauihu o Te Waka a Māui, the top of the South Island.

Browse a wide range of environmental information including monitoring results, and how we manage our special environmental features; read detailed reports about the state of our environment.

A comprehensive information source for rural residents

Views of our beautiful rohe.

We have lots of ways for you to explore our region - you'll find them all right here.

All you need to know about enjoying and staying safe on our waters.

Always be prepared for emergencies - earthquake, fire, floods, tsunamis and pandemics. If you or someone else is in immediate danger, phone 111.

Find information about boating, fishing, swimming, beaches, walking, cycling and camping in the district.

Our transportation network is a big part of daily life - from roads, footpaths and streetlights, to signage and safety - this is your guide to getting around Tasman.