News and notices

Read the latest news and public notices, including our fortnightly Newsline.

NTCTT TonyJudeBen

Community transport services boosted

Greater transport options are being offered between Motueka and Richmond, and Tapawera and Richmond.

These community transport services are provided by the Nelson Tasman Community Transport Trust…

Bus buddies 02

Get on board with bus buddies

A programme encouraging older people on board the region’s eBus service, including having ‘bus buddies’ along for the ride, is being launched next month.

The Nelson Tasman…

Tunnicliff Spray Area

Tunnicliff Forest aerial spraying planned

An aerial spraying operation is planned for Tunnicliff Forest this week. Weather permitting, this is expected to take place on Tuesday 14 January.

The spray operation is…


Algae awareness floats to the top

We want to provide the best information and advice about water quality and safety to keep the public aware of the state of our rivers. This…

Thorp wrap 03

Youth Council rapt with bin wraps

“Take back Thorp Bush” was a youth-led initiative of the Motueka Youth Council, which started about 10 years ago.
The project aimed to minimise antisocial behaviour…