Resource Management Reform

What it means for the future of the Tasman Environment Plan – Aorere ki uta Aorere ki tai

The future of the Tasman Environment Plan – Aorere ki uta Aorere ki tai

The Strategy and Policy Committee in considering changes to New Zealand’s environmental legislation has adopted a short-term workstream focus approach to maintain progress for 5-key Environmental Policy workstreams.

The short term focus environmental workstreams are:

  • Urban growth - implementing the Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy.
  • Natural Hazards – responding to hazards and climate change.
  • Plan Change 84 – this will address priority land and freshwater issues in Tasman and to assist in achieving the purposes of the Te Waikoropupū Springs Water Conservation Order.
  • Outstand Natural Landscapes and Features – progressing a plan change to address a longstanding obligation.
  • Coastal – Port Tarakohe, marine ecological research, and implementing the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement within the above workstreams.

These workstreams will be progressed via changes to the existing Tasman Resource Management Plan through 2024 to 2025 and reviewed regularly to prioritise whether they remain the same or changes need to be made.

You'll have opportunities to follow and engage with these workstreams on our Shape Tasman platform.(external link)

Work on policy outside of the short-term focus workstreams, will be paused until there is clarity on the future. However, there are projects that will continue alongside the focus workstreams, and they are:

  • Future Development Strategy implementation
  • Richmond & Mapua spatial plans
  • Deferred zoning
  • Existing plan changes (Wakefield and Motueka)
  • Tasman Resource Management Plan - E-Plan migration
  • Biodiversity preparatory work to implement the NPS-IB
  • Highly productive land preparatory work to implement the NPS-HPL


We are currently working through how and when we might move to the new system that will replace the current RMA led system.

Plan review documents

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