Relocated Buildings or Buildings constructed using second-hand materials

This page provides information on relocated buildings, and other buildings which are to be constructed using second-hand materials.

General Information

Whether a building is to be relocated, or constructed using second-hand materials, the Council needs to understand the existing condition of the whole structure, or the individual elements.

The Council is also mindful of the fact that the original building, or second-hand materials, are more often than not being relocated from an area which invariably has different loading characteristics (e.g. wind, earthquake and snow loadings), plus an alternative exposure (corrosion) zone.

Duty Building Officer

No two building consents are the same. As such, there’s an acceptance that there are going to be some interesting combination of circumstances that means the building works proposed may not exactly sit neatly in either of the criteria stated below.

On the understanding that the Council reviews each Building Consent application on a case-by-case basis, if you do have any specific questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Duty Building Control Officer for further assistance.

We also recommend you speak with the Duty Planner to ensure your proposal also complies with the Tasman Resource Management Plan.

Duty Building Control Officer or Duty Planner, ph. 03 543 8400

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