News and notices

Read the latest news and public notices, including our fortnightly Newsline.

eBus changes over time 5

Driving change with eBus

In the year since the eBus launch, there have been various additions and adjustments.

Thanks to funding from NZTA Waka Kotahi, both Councils have installed shelters, lighting…

illegal chopping Reith 217 Shenandoah indigenous 2

Check before you chop our native forest

The recent conviction of a Murchison farmer and his associated business for illegally clearing almost 10 hectares of native bush on two sites, has emphasised the…

Pohara 01 2

Further focus on flooding at Pōhara

The problem of surface water flooding parts of Pōhara during times of extreme weather and heavy rain has been a problem for many years.

We have worked…

Mot Wharf old 02

Can an old wharf be “repiered”?

Investigations are underway into restoring a piece of Motueka history.

The old Motueka wharf on Motueka Quay has fallen into disrepair over the years but several groups…


Magpies high on pest pecking order

Australian Magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) were first introduced to the region in 1865 from Victoria Australia to control pastoral insect pests. The magpie’s most distinctive characteristic is…

Time to trap rubbish

Rubbish in our marine environment is a growing problem. Not only is it visually unappealing, it’s also a serious threat to wildlife and fish. Much of…